About Me

Hello, for those who don’t know me, I’m Rose I am 25 and from London. I left home in 2017 and I have been living abroad and travelling ever since. Travel is my passion and my biggest enjoyment. I love to see new places, to have different experiences, exploring nature and challenging myself with change. 

School and studying were never my ‘thing’ and I always knew I wanted to travel before going into any further education, I didn’t expected to be living abroad six years later but I fell in love with it. 

I lived in Australia for the majority of being away from home and put a lot of time and energy into seeing as much of the country as I possibly could. To be honest Australia totally stole my heart and it is the gift that keeps on giving. Whilst living in Sydney I met my fiancé Ed and he has been my travel partner since. 

Around my second year in Australia I started to really enjoy photography and documenting our journeys together. Now It’s my job! Edgard and I have been working as content creators, helping businesses to promote their brands on Social Media.                                                                  

Ive been trying to start this blog now for over a year, starting to get it together whilst living in Australia but life just kept getting in the way. Currently I’m travelling South America with Ed which has always been a big dream of mine, so I decided it is the perfect time to share my experiences past and present. We hope to be able to inspire, encourage and give helpful tips for anyone out there currently travelling on a budget, or wanting to pack a backpack and go off on their own adventure.

Travel on a budget

5 Useful Tips for Travelling on a Budget!

Some of my favorite shots